Somehow shopping, and the delights thereof, seem to have crept up on me recently.  My wife dragged me to Aldi, which is the new love of her life. 

Having bought 10 bottles of washing liquid, 5 trays of baked beans and three jumbo-sized jars of vegemite, all of which are surplus to our immediate needs (but could be useful if we were stocking a nuclear bunker), we then stumbled on the non-food section.  Aldi seems to be covering all the bases.

I am not sure which market they are targeting but somehow we succumbed.  I now have a generator (again useful for the nuclear bunker) and a caravan cover so now I need to buy a caravan.  I also bought a tent so I need to find a wife who likes camping. 


I seem to have almost run out of socks and with the colder weather the need for socks is now pressing.  Thinking that I might speed up the shopping process I decided to try the internet.  Delving into the Myer website there were 12 pages of men’s socks and I am not kidding.  Even then they did not have what I wanted so I actually went to a Myer store.

Like all men, I hate shopping though I like to think myself more progressive than most. I know what I want, I go to the correct store and I am out in less than five minutes without dawdling to look at other items.  This keeps the pain to a minimum.  This was not the case with Myer as a long search, not helped by the absence of store staff, was fruitless.  I then tried David Jones, and even with the help of a staff member, I only managed to find two pairs of blue socks but even these had a small flag on them though which flag is difficult to determine.  And I had to pay $14 in the car park for the privilege.

I suppose I should not complain as at least we have choice unlike Communist Russia where socks came in bright orange for a size four shoe and were only available one day every two years and even then you were not told which day they were in stock.