Gatwick I love you

I have been staying in Tenby in Pembrokeshire where I rented a top-floor apartment overlooking the harbour.  It had a large roof terrace, which was big enough to hold a party for twenty, and it was enclosed by a brick wall of midriff height.  This had the advantage...

London Ho!

I was just hours away from catching a flight to Sydney en route to London, when Her Indoors rang in a blind panic from France asking me to bring a blouse and skirt to France.  Hers not mine.  While she was on the phone I vainly searched through her cupboard.  After...

Travel Broadens The Mind

Been travelling a bit recently.  First off was Sydney where it seemed to be common practice for men to wear dangly crucifix earrings.  As I don’t get out much this was a first for me so I had to google it.  Apparently, it is either a sign of being a Christian or...

In Need of Assessment

In Need of Assessment As Saturday nights are normally social affairs you do not expect a call from a nursing service.  A call came in from a Sydney number and not recognising it I blocked the number.  Not to be deterred I received a call three minutes again from...

Mrs Beeton’s Cookbook

Mrs Beeton’s Cookbook The oldest book I own is Mrs. Beeton’s Household Management, originally published in 1861, but published in many editions even up to 2010.  I know not which edition I own as the flyleaf is missing.  I have not dipped into it for many years but...