Gatwick I love you

I have been staying in Tenby in Pembrokeshire where I rented a top-floor apartment overlooking the harbour.  It had a large roof terrace, which was big enough to hold a party for twenty, and it was enclosed by a brick wall of midriff height.  This had the advantage...

London Ho!

I was just hours away from catching a flight to Sydney en route to London, when Her Indoors rang in a blind panic from France asking me to bring a blouse and skirt to France.  Hers not mine.  While she was on the phone I vainly searched through her cupboard.  After...

Travel Broadens The Mind

Been travelling a bit recently.  First off was Sydney where it seemed to be common practice for men to wear dangly crucifix earrings.  As I don’t get out much this was a first for me so I had to google it.  Apparently, it is either a sign of being a Christian or...

In Need of Assessment

In Need of Assessment As Saturday nights are normally social affairs you do not expect a call from a nursing service.  A call came in from a Sydney number and not recognising it I blocked the number.  Not to be deterred I received a call three minutes again from...

Mrs Beeton’s Cookbook

Mrs Beeton’s Cookbook The oldest book I own is Mrs. Beeton’s Household Management, originally published in 1861, but published in many editions even up to 2010.  I know not which edition I own as the flyleaf is missing.  I have not dipped into it for many years but...

Entering the real world

Entering the real world Not unlike Jeremy Clarkson I seem to have been caught out on my blog ‘My wife the nudist.’  First in the queue is my wife who has reminded me in no uncertain terms that the past is another country and please refrain from sharing the details of...