On the Naughty List

On the Naughty List Christmas is a time when family, friends and several generations somehow come together to enjoy themselves.  So one night over the Christmas break we decided to watch a film appealing to all generations namely ‘Elf’ released in 2003.  A children’s...

My wife the nudist

The Mrs has recently had her 60th birthday with a big bash a week or two ago.  It is amazing how many old people can behave badly and the usual suspect flashed her tits again (yes you know who you are and so does everyone else there).  It was a bit OTT just to get the...

The Year of the Cat

There is an update from the Fetish BDSM network in Queensland.  My Queensland informant, channelling his nephew, tells me that a new fad is the Furries.  People now dress as cats and if they get past the Door Bitch they can enter the fetish club fully clothed so to...

I used to be a housewife

It is amazing what you find in other people’s showers.  Not that I go round poking around in them mind you.  It’s just that occasionally one needs to avail oneself of running water while staying at other people’s places.  So recently I was standing under the hot...


Prosopagnosia.  Let me repeat that.  Prosopagnosia.  Rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?  Rhymes with ambrosia, the food of the gods though without the divine effects.  It is in fact face blindness or the inability to recognise people’s faces and is suffered among others...

What I did when my wife was on holiday

The Mrs is back from France and the French were so upset they rioted for five days.  Luckily no such eruptions have occurred here since her return though I of course have had to adjust my lifestyle.  Whilst she was away I was able to return to my own ways – leaving...