

Delving once again into the treasure trove that is the BBC Sounds podcast app, I listened to ‘First Contact’, a podcast on contact with extra-terrestrials. In this we hear from Gwen, who identifies as an ‘experiencer’. She has experienced or had contact with...
Ikea & Costco

Ikea & Costco

There has been much angst in the Davies household. I inadvertently went to Ikea and made the serious man-mistake of taking the initiative. I had been told to buy paper napkins and bought white ones. I could not have been more wrong. After over 30 years of marriage my...
Toxic Shock

Toxic Shock

Recently dining with a friend from Paris, we were through the main course and were starting cheese when she mentioned ball-sacks.  There was of course a perfectly logical explanation as she needed to buy underpants for her eldest son, but then following her line of...