Self-Isolation Day 25

One person I always wish I had met was Les Dawson.  You have to be of a certain age to remember Les but he was probably the best stand-up comedian Britain has ever had.  He was from Up North where the training in Northern nightclubs was the toughest imaginable.  His comedy was a stream of one-liners of the ridiculous.  A good example was his show with Shirley Bassey.  I always enjoyed his mother-in-law jokes.  Can’t think why.  You can see both YouTube.

Speaking of which, we yesterday had my mother-in-law for lunch.  There has been significant discussion amongst the family as to who has been climbing the walls most:  Kirsty or her mother?  Following lunch I can categorically confirm it is her mother.  She is more than a little peeved that people are trying to lock her up.  Candidates included the government, her family, the police and some nice old chap down the corridor, who used to be a jockey.  Then someone mentioned the Labor Party and it was then on for young and old.

Anyway Easter is going to be a LONG weekend as Kirsty has no houses to sell.  She has discovered from this weekend’s Advertiser, the font of all truth and knowledge, that in SA we are allowed to have gatherings of 10 people.  She though is showing some restraint as she thinks having 10 people all at once is just plain irresponsible.  Instead she plans to see one couple every two hours so she wants to book catch-ups at 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, etc. on each day over Easter.

She was hoping that you would all ring for an immediate booking but when it was pointed out that while legal, such number of gatherings is not recommended nor morally responsible.  Here the younger members of our family chipped in as they think they are carrying the load of self-isolation.  ‘I am losing a year of my life but I am only 24 etc. and there you are planning to catch up with all and sundry’.  God bless ‘em.

When this is all over I plan to apply for a job at the United Nations as a conciliator/peace negotiator.  Israelis/Palestinians, USA/Iran, the Koreas, you name it I am your man.  As they say whatever does not kill you makes you stronger.