The Mrs is back from France and the French were so upset they rioted for five days.  Luckily no such eruptions have occurred here since her return though I of course have had to adjust my lifestyle.  Whilst she was away I was able to return to my own ways – leaving cupboard doors deliberately open, having only four chairs round the table at KI rather than the usual twelve.   I have never worked out why we need to have twelve chairs round the table.  They seem to breed.  They are a considerable impediment for diners to actually sit at the table as they fight for a place with the chairs.  Twelve of them and only six of us.

Of course I would have liked to have surprised the Mrs with a new image.  I re-watched the TV series ‘White Lines’, which is a cutting satire on the party drug culture on Ibiza.  One of the main characters is Boxer, pronounced Box-ere by the Spanish.  A real cool dude and I felt a great affinity with him – beard, silver rings and bracelets.  I could even have shaved my head and perhaps got a tattoo on my arse.  So me, but somehow I bottled out.

Not that it stopped my diligence as a writer going down rabbit-holes.  I was in Queensland not so long ago and a man in his early twenties announced to me and his whole family that he would be going to a fetish club party.  Being a responsible adult I knew this was a situation where I needed to keep a straight face.  When he said he had bought pink furry handcuffs for the occasion I kept a straight face so choked on my beer.

Being a fiction writer I felt duty bound to investigate further so opened the club website to find a dungeon world.  Entry is at the sole discretion of the Door Bitch, which should be a giveaway.  Apparently the most important accessory on the night is the right attitude.  A bit like life really.  The club promotes a pansexual alternative lifestyle with some Fetish BDSM play. 

As is normal in the rabbit-hole, or in this case the warren, you reach a juncture: left or right.  I chose BDSM.  The next website reliably informed me that BDSM can be split into three main categories or six different acts: bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism.  So far so good.  I was keeping up.  Then there was a link to ‘How to spank properly’.  I clearly needed to improve my technique. 

The upshot of all this is that I have ordered some pink furry handcuffs.  Unfortunately I have had to order a new bedhead as handcuffs cannot be attached to the present bedhead.  It will be a close call as to which arrives first.  If it is the bedhead then I will have a lot of explaining to do.  Best to first warn the Mrs though I will wait until she is over her jetlag.  Wish me luck.