A few days ago someone said ‘as smooth as a bag full of wet mice.’  A choice epithet and one so appropriate to the recent Harry & Meghan series: ultra-smooth and most probably one-sided.  The never-ending royal saga, which is hyper-ventilating the world’s media, needs to be ended asap for my sanity and that of humankind.  A useful strategy outlined to me once by a farmer for such a scenario is as follows.  If two farmers need to work together with their two dogs, who do not know each other and who start fighting, the solution is to clip the dogs’ collars together.  Let them wrestle to exhaustion and given their proximity they cannot bite each other.  After half an hour of wrestling, the strongest dog comes out on top and the pecking order is established.  Netflix would no doubt like to host such a spectacle of Will and Harry.  However I am not sure the Palace has a protocol to deal with this.  I can feel a letter coming on.


My children are still arguing with me on important issues.  Now I am categorised as ‘In the past bucket’ when I don’t understand the issue.  Still there is a silver lining as I am only on the cusp of the bucket not yet being 65.  Strangely though the evidence is on my side.  With the young ones and friends round over the Christmas holiday season, current affairs popped up and I asked them their views on The Voice.  Three of the four present, all 25 years old and university educated (one a doctor and one an accountant), thought we were referring to the TV programme.  Given such ignorance I sent a letter to The Australian, which was published and the link is here: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/letters/voice-debate-must-not-eclipse-crucial-indigenous-issues/news-story/bdd1fa23fb621e962e46f8d4a8a42b05