There is an update from the Fetish BDSM network in Queensland.  My Queensland informant, channelling his nephew, tells me that a new fad is the Furries.  People now dress as cats and if they get past the Door Bitch they can enter the fetish club fully clothed so to speak. 

Cat self-identification seems to be starting early.  Earlier this year a thirteen year old pupil in a British school identified as a cat and her classmates did not agree with her.  There then followed a vigorous discussion between the teacher and the class about self-identification.  The teacher was so angered that the class did not agree with her that she threatened to report one girl possibly to the authorities like the Stasi and told her she would be going to another school.  Unfortunately for the teacher a pupil recorded the conversation and I am not sure it ended well for the teacher.

Social media being what it is we now have this phenomenon in Australia.  I am reliably informed that at one primary school in the Eastern suburbs there are now five pupils who identify as a cat.  Not the same cat of course because that would just be silly.  It would not surprise me if it is not the same school I heard about a few years ago.  A newly arrived headmistress discovered she had a teacher who would not teach classes.  Apparently said teacher admitted that teaching a class was beyond her.  Given the employment laws for teachers she was not removed from the payroll.

While we are on the subject of cats you may like to know that my cats identify as cats not humans as they know they are a far superior species.


You may know that I am somewhat of a podcast junkie though there have been disconcerting developments to my listening of late.  I seem to be a constant target of Femfresh advertisements on my podcasts.  Even I guessed they were a female product though I am a dinosaur.  Digging deeper I find that they ‘care for your delicate vulval skin.’ Just to make sure I was not missing out I completed a whole-of-body inspection and I can assure you that I do not have a vulva.  You cannot be too sure nowadays.


This is the time of year for the fan.  Menopause had been a testing time for the wife in the temperature department and with the days and nights getting warmer the fan has come out at bedtime to accommodate the season.  However this is no ordinary fan.  It seems to be powered by a Rolls Royce Merlin engine, the one used in the Spitfire, and even on the lowest setting it would power a Spitfire at cruising speed.  My wife has threatened to get a second fan so we would have enough power for a Mosquito bomber.  As I have always wanted to fly in a Mosquito it sounds eminently sensible to me.  Anyway off to bed now.  Flying cap on, goggles on.  Wish me luck.